# Products and Services

The product and services endpoint url is:


# Product and Services GET Request

Product and Services GET request will fetch a list of product and services associated with the company of the user who is currently authenticated. The structure of the list will be:

    "id": 229,
    "title": "Monthly Meeting Costs",
    "price": "9567.12",
    "description": "Service associated with monthly meetings",
    "type": "SERVICE",
    "uniqueId": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    . . . . . // Other Results

# Product and Services POST Request

When you want to create a new product or service record, you can send a POST request to the product and services end-point.

Product and Services Payload Example:

  "title": "Monthly Meeting Costs",
  "price": "9567.12",
  "description": "Service associated with monthly meetings",
  "type": "SERVICE"
Field Required/Optional Json Key Data Type Format
Product Title Required title string
Product Price Required price string 123.45
Product Description Optional description string
Product Type Optional type string/**fixed_options


It is important to get the product price format correct as indicated in the table above.

** Product type Fixed Options
